Visiting the fair:

New generation of Blue Circle coffee capsules
ALPLA presents a new generation of Blue Circle home-compostable coffee capsules for full coffee aroma.
Copyright: ALPLA. Reprinting free of charge for reporting on ALPLA. Photo credit required.

The Ima crew

Antonio Staffoni Ceo of Polytype OMV

Molly by LCY gritt

Biodegradable Blue Circle coffee capsule
The biodegradable Blue Circle coffee capsules are especially odour-neutral and tasteless. Copyright: ALPLA. Reprinting free of charge for reporting on ALPLA. Photo credit required.

Mr Massimo Daniel Temporin by Cerutti Packaging

Mr Massimo Grigolon by Plas Mec

Mr Nicola Crepaldi and Mrs Agnese Riveccio by MVV Gear Pumps

Mr Paolo Gasparotto by Moretto

Marco Mastrosanti (publisher of Tecnoplast) with Stella and Mandy by Adsale CHINAPLAS organisation

Impressive numbers at Chinaplas 2018

Tecnoedizioni booth

Tecnoplast at the press corner

Piovan booth

Zambello Group


German pavillon
Our second media day in Shangai at CHINAPLAS 2018

Stanley Chu, president of Adsale CHINAPLAS, is talking about the secret behind the growing success of chinaplas at the media day press conference in Shanghai

Wintec to sell directly into selected american market' Michael Feltes by Wintec at Adsale CHINAPLAS 2018 media day

'Unstoppable growing since 2008' Gero Willmeroth president of Engel Shanghai presenting impressing numbers at Adsale CHINAPLAS 2018 media day

'We build up the machines in Lossburg, but to reach faster asia we have a solution: a warehouse near Shanghai for #allroundrer' Gerhard Boehm, managing director of ARBURG GmbH + Co KG at Adsale CHINAPLAS media day in shanghai Marco Mastrosanti Marco Mastrosanti Tecnoplast - TecnoLab - Chimica Ambiente - Tecnofood 4500 followers 16 ore ARBURG press conference at Adsale CHINAPLAS 2018 media day

Tammy Trivette is kicking off the Eastman Chemical Company press conference at Adsale CHINAPLAS 2018 media day in Shanghai
Our first media day in Shangai at CHINAPLAS 2018

DuPont press-conference is for starting Adsale CHINAPLAS media day in Shanghai

Christophe Paulo starts his speech at Dow Corning press conference in Shanghai

La Yuen Chiang, ceo of Chenhsong talks about the 60 years of success of chenhsong at Adsale CHINAPLAS 2018 media day in Shanghai

Barto Du Plessis is opening the PolyOne press conference