Home TECHNOLOGIES Cold Jet presents the next generation of the Aero2 ULTRA series at Fakuma 2024

Cold Jet presents the next generation of the Aero2 ULTRA series at Fakuma 2024

New performance standards in dry ice cleaning technology as the key to efficiency and sustainability

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Cold Jet

Cold Jet® – the world leader in dry ice technology – is presenting Cold Jet’s new Aero2 ULTRA series at Fakuma in Friedrichshafen (Hall B3 – Booth 3110). The machines represent the pinnacle of dry ice blasting technology and will set the standard for dry ice blasting equipment in the coming years.

The challenge of efficiency in modern production

The challenges in plastics production are manifold. Production managers are constantly faced with the task of optimizing material use, saving energy and at the same time speeding up production processes. All of this must be achieved without compromising the quality of the final product. In this context, efficiency plays a central role. Efficient production not only enables cost savings, but also contributes to sustainable business practices by conserving resources and reducing emissions.

Dry ice blasting as a solution for increasing efficiency

A promising technology for improving efficiency in plastics production is dry ice blasting. This method offers numerous advantages, such as cleaning without the use of water or chemicals, which minimizes environmental impact and reduces production costs. Dry ice blasting technology enables machines and molds to be thoroughly cleaned without damaging them, which extends the life of the equipment and reduces downtime.

Introduction of the Aero2 ULTRA series

The new Aero2 ULTRA series will be presented at Fakuma 2024. This innovative product range sets new standards in dry ice blasting technology and helps the plastics industry to meet the challenges of increasing efficiency. The Aero2 ULTRA devices are characterized by moisture-resistant mechanics and an ultra-cold-resistant motor. The metal gears improve durability, reliability and efficiency. Machine stability has also been upgraded with completely new proprietary controls and motor drivers.

The Aero2 ULTRA Series represents a significant advancement in dry ice blasting technology”, says Dave Burbrink, Cold Jet’s Global ECaSP Design and Technical Director. “We listened to our customers and addressed their most pressing needs for improved performance, ease of use and connectivity. The result is a series of ULTRA machines that enable companies to achieve new levels of cleaning success”.

The Aero2 ULTRA Series is designed to meet the diverse needs of customers. A plastics processor can use one machine to clean many types of surfaces, such as the surface of injection molds, deburring and trimming, and injection screws. Previously, a company would need multiple machines with different levels of aggression to clean them.

Process efficiency and user-friendly operation

Mold cleaning remains an important part of producing quality products. Cold Jet understands this and offers solutions to clean molds efficiently, more frequently, faster, more cost-effectively and non-abrasively, in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way. Cold Jet’s environmentally friendly dry ice cleaning and surface preparation systems are a proven solution to achieve productivity, quality and cost reduction initiatives sought by many operations.

Dry ice is also used in our industry to deburr and trim plastic parts. Thermoset parts (sometimes thermoplastic parts) have a grade and part geometries are not always suitable for vibratory finishing. Cold Jet’s solutions for this are often fully automated.

Live demo at Fakuma 2024

Cold Jet cordially invites all visitors to Fakuma to visit their booth in Hall B3, Booth 3110. There you can see the Aero2 ULTRA Series live in action. During a live demo, Cold Jet will show you how these devices can not only make your cleaning processes more efficient, but also reduce total cost of ownership and increase the sustainability of your production. Take the opportunity to see first-hand how this technology can help you meet the challenges of modern plastics production.

Summary and outlook

Participating in Fakuma 2024 offers an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments in increasing efficiency in plastics production. With the Aero2 ULTRA series, Cold Jet offers you a powerful solution to optimize your material, energy and process efficiency. Visit Cold Jet and let us convince you of the advantages of this innovative technology. Cold Jet looks forward to introducing you to the possibilities of dry ice blasting technology and discovering new ways to increase efficiency with you. The Aero2 ULTRA series is more than just a machine – it is a key to the sustainable and efficient future of your production processes

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