At the eve of our 25 years of experience, Filtec go on to increase their development and take care of the presence of the foreign markets too. To be more and more present and to give an efficient service Filtec is supported by “ Sales Representatives” on the Territory. Other important characteristic is the high level of customization obtained. Always with the aim of the customer satisfaction.
A machines wide range and high level of customization are the Filtec plus, but our strong points are the UW (Underwater) and GRO (Water-Ring) pelletizers. The first can granulate special products, even with high grade of fluidity. The GRO model undoubtedly simplest and cheaper, suitable to granulate materials with grade of fluidity lower than the Underwater type. The pelletizers range is completed by the GRO-D type (dis-aligned axes) and GRV type ( vertical axes). That means pelletizers at 360° !!
Our products range include also other machines: VR vibrating classifiers / coolers, CV vertical dryers, CO horizontal dryers, UFR filtration unit and water cooling, CA screen changer single or double plate, granulation and water pellets separation lines for petrochemicals.
Filtec offer also the possibility of granulation trails and test, at our recently renewed and extended laboratory.
Filtec: a water heart beats inside…
Granulators and pelletizers by Filtec